Sunday, March 25, 2007

a visit from the siblings

My brother and sister came down a couple weeks ago for a visit...and a great time we had! It just went by way too fast. Their first day here, we painted a room in the clinic, that I'm sure hasn't been painted since the building was built. We were a little skeptical of the watery paint we were using, but it all turned out very nicely in the end. Everybody in the clinic was begging us to repaint every room. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough paint, time, or energy.

Trying to avoid a stressful visit, we didn't travel too far from home this time around (we were all looking for a somewhat relaxing vacation). They got to see the fancier side of Teguc this time around. We treated ourselves to staying in Hotel Excelsior, aka Honduran version of a Best Western. It was fully equipped with hot water, swimming pool, air conditioning, 3 double beds, and cable TV (which provided us with episode after episode of Law and Order). Oh, we were happy.

We were back on the Ranch for the weekend, just in time to have a movie and popcorn night with my kids in Casa Suyapa. Thanks to Phil, a man from my parents' church, the kids got to enjoy some donated, locally and organically grown, Iowan popcorn. They loved it! (so did I!)

Their visit ended by attending a soccer game at the national futbol stadium in Teguc. We hitched a ride on the bus from the Ranch, that was going in with an ex-volunteer who was back visiting, that treated all of the kids she worked with last year, to the game between Motagua (team from Teguc) and Olanchano (a team from the state just to our north). Following that game, was the Honduras vs. Costa Rica game, which we would have loved to stay for, however we had to head back to the Ranch. The next day, we ran into the entire national Honduras soccer team in the airport, when I sadly had to leave Heidi and Ben. They were actually on the same plane to Miami.

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